
Page Builder (VC) Update

Step 1 – Firstly update theme to last version. Step 2 – After , go to Appearance > Install Plugins from admin panel menu. Step 3 – Deactive WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) plugin. Step 4 – Reinstall WPBakery...

Theme Update

Please follow the steps below when updating your theme. First download the current version and upload the file evonews.zip via ftp. Do not forget to update the page_builder_elements.zip plugin after...

Adding Translation Files To Your Child Theme

If you are using a child theme and if you have translation files please add the following code to your function.php file. // Load translation files from your child theme instead...

Demo content import fails

If you encounter an error while importing. please ask your service provider to change the following settings. max_execution_time 900 memory_limit 128M post_max_size 32M upload_max_filesize 32M With this plugin, you can see...