Theme Options
Evonews comes with custom Theme Options to allow you to set up many of the theme features without touching the code. To edit the Theme Options, click to Theme Options...
Page Builder Elements
These extra widgets comes with the theme. You can create page easily with this widgets. Full width ones featured post in order to properly displayed, first of all enter the...
Go to Pages > All Pages. Select your page. Click the edit button. Click the Backend Editor button. You can the create content with widgets. Thanks to these unique features,...
Plugins Installation
After you Activate this theme you will see message in WP admin panel that you must install required plugins and can install recommended plugins. Don’t worry – all plugins included...
Post Thumbnails
This way, you can upload one image and WordPress will automatically resize it to all of the various thumbnail sizes used throughout the theme. More info here: Post Thumbnails To set...
WordPress Widgets add content and features to your Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for Categories, Tag Cloud, Search, etc. Plugins will often add their own...
Setup Menus
This theme uses Navigation Menu for building menus, a feature introduced with Version 4.5 of WordPress. Please take the time to read the official documentation about WordPress menus before to...
Theme Translation
You can translate the theme with two way; ‘Poedit’ and ‘Loco Translate’. These way is best solution for translation. You can use .pot file that come with the theme. Translation...
Extract the package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop. In the extracted package you will find“” which is the WordPress theme file. You can install the theme one of two ways:...
Page Builder (VC) Update
Step 1 – Firstly update theme to last version. Step 2 – After , go to Appearance > Install Plugins from admin panel menu. Step 3 – Deactive WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) plugin. Step 4 – Reinstall WPBakery...
Theme Update
Please follow the steps below when updating your theme. First download the current version and upload the file via ftp. Do not forget to update the plugin after...
Sticky sidebar for page builder
If you want to use the sidebar sticky on the page you created for the visiual composer, please do the following.
Adding Translation Files To Your Child Theme
If you are using a child theme and if you have translation files please add the following code to your function.php file. // Load translation files from your child theme instead...
Demo content import fails
If you encounter an error while importing. please ask your service provider to change the following settings. max_execution_time 900 memory_limit 128M post_max_size 32M upload_max_filesize 32M With this plugin, you can see...